School Uniform Policy : Click here.

Colours of School Dress: Black and White.

All items of uniform and kit need to be clearly labelled and all pupils require a decent sized School Bag.

We take a very strong line on the following:

  1. Jewellery, nose studs, eyebrow bars/rings and tongue studs MUST NOT be worn.
  2. A pair of modest sized ear studs is acceptable (one stud per ear). Body piercing is NOT allowed on the grounds of health and safety.
  3. Excessive or badly applied make-up MUST NOT be worn.
  4. Nail varnish, Acrylic or false nails MUST NOT be worn.
  5. No extreme hairstyles in colour, cut or arrangement. No eyelash extensions and no eyebrow alterations.
  6. No jeans, combat trousers or tracksuit bottoms.
  7. Black 'jean style' skinny trousers, black skinny trousers or black leggings are not acceptable as school uniform.
  8. Skirts must be a tailored, pleated or match the style - Davenport 913585A/Charleston LA1401/Trutex Blue Max or similar. Tube style skirts or Jersey material are not allowed.
Boys - Years 7, 8 and 9
Black School Trousers
White Short-Sleeved Polo Shirt
Black Sweatshirt
Black Non-Canvas Shoes
Boys - Years 10 and 11
Black School Trousers
Black or White Short-Sleeved Polo Shirt
Black V-Neck Sweater or Sweatshirt
Black Non-Canvas Shoes
Boys - PE Kit

You can view our latest PE Department Kit Expectations here.


Coats - plain dark colours, no hoodies (with or without zips), no denim, and no gilets/body warmers.

The addition of a 'high-viz' tabard and arm bands are recommended for the winter - these can be purchased from School Finance Office.

Girls - Years 7, 8 and 9
Black School Trousers
Style - Trimley LA1404/Greenwich LA1310/ Trutex GTN or similar
School Skirt
Style - Davenport 913585A/Charleston LA1401/Trutex Blue Max or similar
White Short-Sleeved Polo Shirt
Black Sweatshirt
Black Non-Canvas Shoes
Girls - Years 10 and 11
Black School Trousers
Style - Trimley LA1404/Greenwich LA1310/ Trutex GTN or similar
School Skirt
Style - Davenport 913585A/Charleston LA1401/Trutex Blue Max or similar
Black or White Short-Sleeved Polo Shirt
Black V-Neck Sweater or Sweatshirt
Black Non-Canvas Shoes
Girls - PE Kit

You can view our latest PE Department Kit Expectations here.


Coats - plain dark colours, no hoodies (with or without zips), no denim, and no gilets/body warmers.

The addition of a 'high-viz' tabard and arm bands are recommended for the winter - these can be purchased from School Finance Office.

Suitable Shoes

Unsuitable Shoes

You can view our policy on shoes here.

Please read the following list to ensure what your child wears on non-uniform follows the school guidelines:

  • No ripped or torn jeans/trousers/shorts of any form - regardless of where the rip is!
  • No crop tops or low cut tops.
  • Nothing that would be deemed inappropriate in length or cut.
  • Nothing with offensive or inappropriate words or imagery.
  • All jewellery rules remain the same on non-school uniform day on the grounds of health and safety - pupils may still only wear a watch and one pair of studded ear rings.
  • No extreme hairstyles in colour, cut or arrangement. No eyelash extensions and no eyebrow alterations.
  • Nail varnish, Acrylic or false nails MUST NOT be worn.